Monday, January 5, 2009

How to Be a Master Seducer - Three Secrets of Seduction Nobody Told You About

Do you want the skills to seduce any woman you desire? If you are serious about becoming a master seducer, there are three things you MUST know about. Interested? Then read on...

How To Be A Master Seducer

1. Charisma...

Master seducers have a certain charisma about them. They are able to walk into a room and instantly draw the attention of all the women. Charisma is a combination of things. It is how you move, how you dress, your smile, and how you speak.

You need to develop a charismatic style. One that raises the level of every conversation. In other words, you cannot be a mere addition to the conversation. When you join in, you need to raise the energy level of everyone around you. Once you do this, the group will want you to stay. Because if you leave, it means the feel good emotions that you brought will leave as well.

Can you see the power of this?

2. Your Voice...

There are a lot of men who viciously defend their opinion that a man's voice has not effect on what a woman thinks about him. These are usually the same men who have the high pitched voices and sound worse than nails on a chalk board!

Your voice tonality matters much more than you think. A deeper voice represents high levels of testosterone in a man. Women are instinctively attracted to men with high testosterone as part of their evolutionary make up.

If you have a high pitched voice, stop lying to yourself. Do some vocal exercises and you will have a lower voice in no time.

3. Smile...

This one is very hard to explain, but it makes a MONUMENTAL difference in how women see you.

Your smile should light up a room. It should not always be on your face either, or you will risk looking like a goof.

This is going to take some practise, but over time you will gain intuition as to when to flash that smile when the women are all looking.

Work on these three things, and your seduction will improve tenfold.

And Remember...

You do NOT want to be one of the MILLIONS of men who completely RUINS his chances with a woman before he even OPENS his mouth. Research has proven repeatedly that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Master the magical art of making her quiver with only your body language...and you will NEVER have to worry about her even THINKING about rejecting you...that much I know for sure...

Click Here --> to Learn the Body Language Secrets of the Masters of Seduction...with my FREE e-Book.

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